Kurz könnte man sagen: Wenn man eine Spiegelreflexkamera sucht, die auch 4K kann, so bietet Nikon mit der D7500 nun den mit Abstand günstigsten Einstieg in diese spezielle Gerätekategorie. Wer dagegen auf den Spiegel beim Fotografieren verzichten kann, be...
Abstract: 안녕하세요. OCer 입니다. 이번 글에서는 니콘의 새로운 DX 중급기 모델인 D7500 의 리뷰를 전해드리도록 하겠습니다.이번에 한달 동안 사용해볼 니콘 D7500 은 니콘 200-500 F5.6 렌즈, 그리고 28.8N 렌즈와 함께 하게 되었습니다. 200-500 만 와서 멘붕이었는데 28.8N 렌즈도 뒤늦게 받아볼 수 있었습니다.리뷰를 시작하면서 우선 D7500 에 대해 살펴볼게요. 몸풀기로 패키징부터 간략히 살펴봅니다...
Features inherited from the class-leading Nikon D500, large and vibrant tilt LCD touchscreen, excellent build quality and handling, pin-sharp images, overall low-light performance
Single UHS I SD memory card slot, 4K video crop mode not ideal for wide-angle recording, AF in live view not up to scratch, no Ai indexing tab limits compatibility with Nikon's manual focus lenses, additional vertical grip not possible
The Nikon D7500 is a cracking camera. It's up there with the most usable Nikon DSLR ever, thanks to it's fast processor, solid build, bright viewfinder and responsive tilt-angle touchscreen.On the flip side, there are three omissions of note: electronic c...
The D7500 sits in that classic 'step-up' zone for those looking for a smattering of pro features in a smaller, cheaper form factor than pro cams.In this sense, it's among the best out there, particularly if you're craving a D500 but don't have the cash to...
Superb image quality, Speedy autofocus, Handy tilting touchscreen, Fast burst mode (at this price)
Only one SD card slot, Wireless sharing a bit patchy
The D7500 sits in that classic 'step-up' zone for those looking for a smattering of pro features in a smaller, cheaper form factor than pro cams.In this sense, it's among the best out there, particularly if you're craving a D500 but don't have the cash to...
Superb image quality, Speedy autofocus, Handy tilting touchscreen, Fast burst mode (at this price)
Only one SD card slot, Wireless sharing a bit patchy
The D7500 sits in that classic 'step-up' zone for those looking for a smattering of pro features in a smaller, cheaper form factor than pro cams. In this sense, it's among the best out there, particularly if you're craving a D500 but don't have the cash...
决定于使用的用途,究竟是更多的静态还是需要兼顾动态的拍摄需求。在尼康D7500上我们看到许多D500的影子,与其说D7500是D7200的换代品,不如说它更像是D7200与D500之间的中间产品,毕竟D7200廉颇老矣,而D500的定位与定价又相对较高,导致D7200和D500之前出现断层,D7500正是为此而生。在全画幅相机普及风潮愈演愈烈的大环境下,厂商坚持推出以速度优先为指向的APS-C画幅数码单反相机已成为一个较大的挑战,这也注定了佳能EOS 7D Mark II在定位方面会显得比较小众。但是这款...
Published: 2017-07-22, Author: Sven , review by: computerbild.de
Hohe Bildqualität, Sehr schneller Autofokus mit genauer Schärfenachführung, Sehr lichtempfindlicher Sensor, Sehr hohe Akkuausdauer
Etwas langsamer Autofokus im LiveView
Der Preisaufschlag zum Vorgänger ist deftig. Dafür gibt es einen neuen Bildsensor, der deutlich lichtempfindlicher ist und auch bei hoher ISO-Einstellung Topaufnahmen liefert. Videos sehen dank 4K-Auflösung toll aus: Sehr detailreich und scharf. Nur der A...