So i got the very exiting job to test this headset out and boy i put this thing to good use. I was playing multiple games that you use your headset and especially your microphone to coordinate attacks and to say things like "Watch out for the Tank!" i...
Well it wasn't a home-run, but it wasn't a strike-out either. The Razer Piranha headset scores a solid triple. If it wasn't for the discomfort after prolonged use, Razer would of hit it out of the park. If all you've been using is cheap units, you'll r...
Abstract: Le Qpad, dans ce classement, arrive numéro un parce qu'il ne faut pas oublier que l'on achète un casque pour le son. Et là, la conclusion est simplissime, il est le meilleur. Le Plantronics offre pour le prix une excellente qualité audio même si le 5.1 ne s'impose pas comme une révolution. Le Steelseries de par son prix modeste et sa qualité audio plus qu'honorable est en fait l'affaire du moment. Reste que le Razer est finalement un très son produit mais mal placé en termes tarifaires, un petite baisse et le tour est joué.
Excellent sound quality, Noise cancelling works as advertised, Well constructed, Cool glowing Razer logos times three, Remote volume/mic controller
Expensive, Uncomfortable after prolonged wear
The Razer Piranha is a good product that could be better. The style and sound of the device are almost perfect, but the form of the device needs some improvement. The use of a more flexible plastic for the headband and larger ear cups would make the P...
Abstract: The Razer Piranha supports most operating systems and is even internet telephony compatible. The Piranha Communicator’s sound is incredible. Delivering crisp highs, and deep lows I have been using these headphones every single day since receiving them for this review...
eingeschränkter Tragekomfort wegen kleiner Hörmuscheln, Mikrofon wenig flexibel, Anzeige: Sie können das neue Razer Piranha Headset u.a. hier kaufen. Weitere hochwertige SoundProdukte finden Sie bei Teufel:, Lautsprecher Teufel
Für das Headset wird weder eine Software, noch Treiber benötigt. Nach dem Einstecken kann es direkt losgehen. Die Soundqualität des Razer Piranha Gaming Headset kann mit gutem Bass und klarem Klang überzeugen. Die Außengeräusche werden trotz der &ldqu...
Given its mid range to budget target market and price point the Piranha performed above and beyond my personal expectations! The sound quality was crisp and clear, voice transmission through the noise isolating microphone was life like and ambient no...
Abstract: Iako su kvaliteta zvuka, bass i ugrađeni mikrofon na zadovoljavajućem nivou, Razer Piranha headsetu ne možemo oprostiti ergonomske probleme pa ga iz toga razloga jednostavno ne možemo ni preporučiti igračima kojima za navedeni novac preporučujemo Ste...
Razer hat versucht das Piranha möglichst leicht und doch im Razer-Style zu gestalten - also Innovation mit Funktionalität und Design zu verbinden. Dabei hat man jedoch grundsätzliche Kriterien aus den Augen verloren - so die einfache Bedienbarkeit der ...