Abstract: Almost 50 years at Rotel has culminated in the 15 Series relatively new and was highly anticipated from 2009. The RSX-1550 showed up at my home in mid-2010. Admittedly, I’m a little behind on my review of the Rotel receiver and although this is an apo...
Abstract: Rotel RSX-1550 By Michael Wong June 2009 Rotel RSX-1550 AV Receiver. $3999 The Rotel RSX-1550 is one of two receivers in Rotel’s new flagship 15-series. This successor to the long running 10-series includes two home theatre receivers, an AV preamplifie...
Abstract: Rotel enters the HDMI 1.3 age with two new receivers , Rated power at 75 watts times five , Snazzy aesthetics, minimalist user interface Longtime readers will recognize the Rotel RSX-1065 as my reference A/V receiver. It’s been around so long that it...
Abstract: Sett till funktionslistan så upplevs Rotel RSX-1550 som sparsamt utrustad sett till konkurrensen. Men då utseendet och återgivningen håller mycket höga mått är testarna mycket förlåtande.
Abstract: The design team at Rotel have been doing a great job of bringing top-quality audio components to the mainstream in recent years, and with the Rotel RSX-1550, they are continuing with this same attention in developing excellent a/v equipment for the mas...
Abstract: Også klassisk musikk har godt av Rotel sin glimrende dynamiske kontroll, kontrabasser og tubaer låter enda mer storslagent, med en større tone enn med Sony-receiveren. Men Rotel er litt mer dempet i toppen, og fioliner, triangler og fløyter synger ikke like luftig ut..
Abstract: Dieses Produkt wurde auch getestet von: Zum Test von stereoplay Zum Test von AUDIO Mit Hilfe des Genesis-Faroudja-IC FLI 2300 gelingt dem RSX 1550 die Videowandlung recht ordentlich.Den kleinen Zielfehlern im Farbvektor-Diagramm hält er prima Video-F...