Das C03U Podcast Mikrofon sieht sehr gut aus, hat ein gutes Gewicht, um fest auf dem Tisch zu stehen. Durch die Spinne werden Vibrationen und Erschütterungen nicht über das Stativ an das Mikrofon übertragen. Der Klang ist bei Sprachaufnahmen sehr gut und...
Great sound, attractive price, Strong software and accessories, Aluminium, padded flight case, Shock-resistant suspension stand, Precision engineering
Everyones making a podcast these days, and why not? Hosting them online is cheap, and all the web-building tools we use have easy podcast integration. Even iWeb has a one-click podcasting facility. And if this Samson microphone proves anything, its t...
Gives a good pro audio gloss to quick and dirty recordings. Can be used with GarageBand, Audacity, or any other audio-recording app.
Bundled software isnt Mac compatible.
Samsons CO3U is a fine addition to any mic locker and specifically for podcasting. The cheapskate in us balks a bit about the price, but its competitive, so on that score you should feel free to pay us no mind. ...
Abstract: Professional quality recording doesnt require professional-sized price tags any more, and microphones like Samsons CO3U let anyone turn their Mac into a high-end recording studio. There are no hidden surprises with this microphone - meaning it work...
Abstract: CO3U Multi-Pattern USB Studio Condenser Microphone ($130)MD5 Desktop Microphone Stand ($10-20 online)SP01 Spider Mount ($30-40 online)If you are a podcaster, musician, or active audio online chatterbox, run-dont-walk to your local audio dealer or Int...