The Q1 continues the Samsung tradition of turning out MP3 players that produce a really top-notch sound. This really is one of the best-sounding players about, at least once youve bought a decent pair of earphones. Unfortunately, far too much attenti...
Abstract: Con il modello Q1 Samsung è tra i primi, o tra i pochi, a credere nelle potenzialità degli Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. Gli Umpc sono una via di mezzo tra i Tablet Pc e i Computer palmari, e cercano di riassumere il meglio di questi due dispositiv...
Ampia durata della batteria; Tanti formati di file supportati,
In poche parole, il Samsung Q1 è uno strumento eccezionale, molto più di un palmare, quasi un computer portatile. Le sue dimensioni compatte lo rendono molto comodo da portare con sé e da utilizzare anche dove c'è poco spazio, ad esempio sul treno.Tan...
Abstract: The NP-Q1 works like a dream for multimedia, and its flash memory puts it on the cutting edge. But businesspeople might want to look elsewhere
Abstract: Now that I have concluded my series on the Samsung Q1 UMPC, I thought it would be appropriate to share a few closing thoughts. I had the device for a little over a month (actually, from Thanksgiving to New Years). In that time, I had an opportunity...
Abstract: I have had the Samsung Q1 UMPC for almost a month now. In computer parlance, that should make it nearly obsolete as new models are being released almost daily. So that means I should get moving on my ongoing series of articles about this remarkable...
The project formally known as Origami, officially known as Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC), has materialised in the form of the Samsung Q1.Sitting between the notion of a PDA and a Tablet PC, it comes loaded with Windows XP Tablet Edition, but instead of a digi...
Abstract: Today well take a look at Q1, Samsungs vision of an UMPC. With excellent screen, multimedia capabilities and just about everything user needs (note: just about everything), Q1 is really "something else". IF you were to appear somewhere with Q1 in you...
Lightweight, Portable, USB performance is excellent, Bluetooth, WIFI
No holding rubber grip on the side, No WebCam, No external DVD drive
Pricing) The Samsung Q1 UMPC is is basically an enhanced Tablet PC. In fact, many manufacturers have tried ways to enhanced their tablet pcs in the past but failed miserably. IF you look back in our reviews, there is a ECS EZ-30D which can do a simil...
Touchscreen, 40GB hard drive, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Stacks of connections including two USB ports, 3.5mm headphone jack, Ethernet, TV-out and Compact Flash.
Pretty heavy, lacks battery juice and the vast majority of software isnt designed for touchscreen. Lack of a keyboard is maddening.
Give us back our keyboard Samsung! The Q1 is destined to become a textbook example of innovation without a cause. ...