Abstract: Sega har äntligen tagit sitt förnuft till fånga och dammat av Shinobi-serien igen. Men till skillnad från i de senaste försöken har man här lyckats bättre. Jonas förklarar hur bra och delar ut ett betyg...
Abstract: It has been nearly 10 years since we were last put into the sandals of an Oboro Clan shinobi, the last game of which was well received despite (or perhaps because of) its high difficulty. Though it brought the series into the third dimension, its gam...
Abstract: Shinobi for the 3DS marks a return to form for SEGA’s franchise ninja series. It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen a Shinobi title of any kind, the last being the combo of Shinobi and Nightshade on the PS2. Since then the only ninja that’s been rul...
Abstract: Let’s start this off with a sentence of pure truth: Shinobi on 3DS is freaking hard. Developed by Griptonite Games, it is a game that harkens back to older Shinobi games (and stuff like the NES Ninja Gaiden games, if you missed the Shinobi series) and ...
Abwechslungsreiches Abenteuer, Schön in Szene gesetzte Magie, Vielfältige Steuerung, Lange Levels,
Hoher Schwierigkeitsgrad
Wählt man den Schwierigkeitsgrad "leicht", erlebt man ein wirklich tolles und abwechslungsreiches Abenteuer. Während man beim Schwierigkeitsgrad "normal" ein Frusterlebnis par excellence hat. Der 3D Effekt kommt sehr gut hinüber und die Präsentation ...
Abstract: Sega has had an eye on reviving their 2D side scrolling ninja hero before, with their famous "Shinobi’s back!" ads. It didn’t amount to much at the time, but did show that the series hasn’t been forgotten. Now he’s back again on the 3DS, delivering a f...
3D effects look good, levels are constantly moving and changing things up, fairly easy to chain together combos, each enemy has a different weakness, there are different special attacks to unleash, you get unlimited continues, you can save replays and there are achievements to unlock. You can quick save while playing and resume a level later. Can unlock Challenge Maps with StreetPass. Can unlock
Quite difficult, even on the easiest difficult level. Can only unlock StreetPass challenges with play coins. Getting hit by enemies makes you lose health and decreases your score. Only a handful of different enemies. The later levels and areas can’t compare to the prettiness and variety of the first level.
Abstract: The first time I played Shinobi on my 3DS, it took me five continues to make it through the first level. Not to mention the first level took me over 25 minutes to complete. And I had to go back and reread the tutorial screens twice, because I needed a r...
Abstract: Wetzt die Klingen, schwingt das Katana, holt die Ninja-Kette raus und bereitet euch auf den virtuellen Tod vor: Shinobi ist zurück! Ist das ein Grund zur Freude? ...