personalizzazione dell'Avatar, senso di velocità e grafica, prezzo abbordabile
storia classica e ripetitiva, episodio Shadow troppo breve
Sonic Forces mi è sembrato un gioco ben riuscito che sembra essersi ripreso dallo stile un po' bambinesco delle ultime uscite, rappresentando ora un buon connubio tra il nuovo ed il vecchio Sonic Classico che tutti conosciamo.I livelli passano da una estr...
Entertaining (if cheesy) story, Soundtrack is pretty amazing, Avatar creation is a good addition, Some stages are blisteringly fast...
Others are slow and a slog to play, Classic Sonic is out of place in narrative and gameplay, Not a good looking game compared to recent titles, Switch version is locked at 30 FPS
Sonic Forces may be a misstep from this year's Mania, but it's still an enjoyable title. While it suffers from a host of problems with pacing and performance, it still is worth a weekend rental with its surprisingly entertaining plot and great music
Published: 2017-11-30, Author: André , review by:
Boa personalização de personagens, Fãs do ouriço vão curtir bastante, Fases com o Sonic clássico são o ponto alto
Trama absurda, Comandos estranhos nas fases com seu avatar, Fases confusas
Sonic Forces tem vários problemas, principalmente no seu tom e controles, mas ele é o tipo de game que ainda consegue ser divertido. Se você é muito fã do mascote da SEGA e curte a animação Sonic Boom, vai curtir o novo título. Se você quer um jogo realme...
Published: 2017-11-14, Author: Jonas , review by:
Banerne meget fede og musikken blæser derudaf i bedste Sonic stil. Arkade-agtig gameplay er rigtig godt
Historien halter. Nogle banerne ALT for korte. En lidt lunken Soni oplevelse
Sonic Forces er en lidt blandet fornøjelse. Banerne er rigtig flotte, musikken ultra fed og gameplayet solid. Det er rigtig sjovt at lave sin egen avatar og der er masser af indhold til at lave sin figur, ligesom man vil. Historien er bestemt ikke den bed...
It may look lovely and run well, but Sonic Forces' uninspired level design and lack of flow prevent it being much fun to play.Sonic Forces was reviewed on PlayStation 458 / 100...
On top of the joy of creating and playing as your own character, there's a lot of goofy charm that makes Sonic Forces hard to be too disappointed with. The graphics are colorful and engaging, and the music is a pumping backdrop for extreme team-ups, super...
Published: 2017-11-11, Author: Victor , review by:
Sonic Forces bleibt bis zuletzt auf der Suche nach der eigenen Identität. Mit dem neuen Spiel wollte Sega es offenbar allen Recht machen und wird so kaum jemanden ganz zufrieden stellen: Wer auf klassische Sonic-Action in 2D steht, ist mit dem jüngst verö...
On top of the joy of creating and playing as your own character, there's a lot of goofy charm that makes Sonic Forces hard to be too disappointed with. The graphics are colorful and engaging, and the music is a pumping backdrop for extreme team-ups, super...