安卓版app下载不便,帮助文档不够充分,尤其是BB-9E和原力手环连接麻烦而完全没有帮助说明,对新用户很不友好。, 外壳容易沾灰,易产生划痕。, 无法无损开启更换电池,所以产品的寿命是由电池的寿命决定的,我们平时要注意不要过冲过放,尽量延长电池寿命吧。, Sphero Edu 缺乏本地化教程和社区。, 虽然Droids by Sphero和原力手环已经提供了很多有意思的玩法,但时间长了新鲜劲儿总会过去,而自由编程的无限可能性可以给BB-9E带来持久的活力,如果解决好本地化和推广问题,更将是家庭和学校辅
Published: 2018-01-05, Author: Pedro , review by: xataka.com
Abstract: Con el lanzamiento de ‘Star Wars, el despertar de la fuerza' Sphero lanzó BB-8, un juguete que gustó mucho entre los fans de la saga. Ahora, con el estreno de ‘ Star Wars: los últimos Jedi ' ha repitido fórmula con dos nuevos droides. Esta vez los protag...
Published: 2017-12-13, Author: Mike , review by: appleinsider.com
Abstract: Toys, and particularly tech toys, can have very short half lives. AppleInsider has been playing with three of Sphero's "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" app-controlled droids by a dad who was there in 1977, and by a pair of children who long to be a long, long t...
Published: 2017-09-28, Author: Marco , review by: curved.de
Abstract: Passend zur kommenden achten Episode der "Star Wars"-Saga bringt Sphero zwei neue Droiden aus dem "Star Wars"-Universum in die Läden. Was den Fan-Liebling R2-D2 vom bösen BB-9E unterscheidet und welcher Roboter unser Favorit ist, klären wir im Test.Der Kr...
Published: 2017-09-12, Author: Lorenzo , review by: smartworld.it
Personaggio inedito della saga di Star Wars, Simile in tutto e per tutto a BB-8, Applicazione impeccabile
Ricarica lenta, Meno carismatico di BB-8, No speaker
Sphero ci ha oramai abituato a prodotti di ottima fattura, e questo nuovo modello non fa che confermare quanto visto finora. Confezione ricca, applicazione altrettanto ricca di contenuti e di funzionalità e BB-9E che riprende in tutto e per tutto le moven...
Very similar to BB-8, No ForceBand compatibility (yet)
BB-9E is everything you expect from a Sphero connected toy. It's great to control, has some fantastic Star Wars-infused flourishes and the 'treadmill' accessory is a warranted edition...
Abstract: Cool remote control robots that are compatible with Sphero's educational programming apps, Artoo and his new friend might be the droids you're looking for.Orbotix's impressive Sphero 2.0 and Ollie rolling robots started out as educational toys but the gad...