Abstract: The original Spy Hunter - circa 1983 - was one of the best vertical-scrolling combat racing hybrids of its time (they were "a thing," back then.) In the past decade, Midway has tried to recapture the original with little success - the last one was tain...
Cette nouvelle version offre une expérience de jeux des plus amusante, les explosions de voitures surréalistes sont agréables à voir en mode ralenti, et surtout le jeu ne se prends pas au sérieux, ce qui ajouter à son côté divertissant. Vous avez aussi ...
Abstract: Classic reboots and HD refurbishments seem to be making a big push of late, with nostalgia continuously gnawing at aging gamers. Surprisingly, many of these updated gems of old are given proper respect by the developers, creating a perfect blend of old...