Elena Schulz(@Ellie_Libelle)Watch Dogs 2 spricht mich persönlich tatsächlich vor allem als Schleichfan an - immerhin habe ich die hier tatsächlich die Möglichkeit, mich nur über einen Haufen Daten zu bewegen, da kann selbst ein Dishonored 2 mit seinen Ass...
Published: 2020-09-18, Author: Chris , review by: techrush.de
Abstract: Epic Games hat in dieser Woche gleich drei Spiele zu verschenken. Der „Football Manager 2020“, „Watch Dogs 2“ und „Stick It To The Man!“ sind eine Woche lang kostenlos erhältlich. Die wichtigsten Infos im Überblick: In Football Manager 2020 zählt jede Ent...
Abstract: Ubisoft Forward sırasında sunucuların çökmesinden dolayı Watch Dogs 2 ücretsiz olarak alınamamıştı. İşte oyunu ücretsiz alma yöntemi! Ubisoft, geçtiğimiz hafta Watch Dogs 2 ücretsiz olarak PC sahiplerine kısa süreliğine sunulacak açıklamasında bulunmuştu...
Abstract: Ubisoft'un 2016 yılında çıkardığı Watch Dogs ‘un devam oyunu Watch Dogs 2, ortalama üstü puanlar alarak oyuncuları tatmin etmeyi başarmıştı. PC, PlayStation 4 ve Xbox One için çıkan oyun şimdi ücretsiz oluyor. Ubisoft'un sadece PC sahipleri için yapacağı...
Published: 2020-04-14, Author: Rick , review by: Bit-Tech.net
Abstract: Vital as it is that everyone observes the lockdown as stringently as they can, being stuck inside for the foreseeable future is going to be a strain on everyone, and each person is going to have different challenges to contend with. Loneliness, learning t...
Sympathische Helden mit reichlich Humor, Riesige, schön umgesetzte Spielwelt, Enorm umfangreich, Gut gelöster Mix aus Stealth und Hacking, Zahlreiche Nebenaufgaben, Anspielungen auf Zeitgeschehen und Popkultur, Unterhaltsamer Mehrspielermodus
Flache Story mit müdem Finale, Teils überforderte GegnerKI, Schwächen in der Spielbalance, Kleinere Steuerungsprobleme beim Freerunning
This has been an enjoyable exploration for us evaluating TV 4K gaming and we hope that our experience may help serve as a 4K TV PC gaming 2017 holiday guide for our readers. The very best 4K is experienced on a large display, and we would recommend a PC d...
Unlike the RX Vega 64 Liquid Cooled edition which fell quite short of its performance target of the GTX 1080 Ti and barely matched the GTX 1080, the RX Vega 56 is faster than the GTX 1070 FE. Using performance as our primary metric, at $399, the RX Vega 5...
Abstract: Last Monday, AMD released its new Vega 64 processor in a vain attempt to beat the GTX 1080 and to take the performance crown from NVIDIA's GTX 1080 Ti. Since the reference version throttles performance due to inadequate cooling, BTR purchased a Gigabyte R...
Abstract: Choć widać podobieństwa do serialu „Mr Robot”, a i Rami Malek przyłożył rękę do promocji gry, autorzy kontynuacji Watch Dogs postawili na atmosferę lżejszą niż w „jedynce” czy hicie z Christianem Slaterem. Nie każdego rozbawią rozpikselowane animacje nawi...