Abstract: WWE2K15 ist zum Test eingetrudelt und ich habe als explizit nicht ausgewiesener Westling-Experte meine ersten Gehversuche in diesem Genre unternommen.Vorweg, ich bin kein Wrestling-Fan. Ich kenne keinen einzigen aktuellen Wrestler. Aber gerade deswegen, r...
Some facial captures look very detailed, Stamina system stops move spamming
Stamina system often makes fights look ridiculous, Lack of features, both wrestlers and game modes, Last gen assets contrast horribly, Reviewed on PS4. Also available on Xbox One.
Abstract: Some great moments with some iconic matches and superstarsIconic moments during the showcase matches will have you achieve certain goals. By completing these you unlock superstars, alternate attires, arenas and managers. These make the mode more challen...
W2K15 è un titolo che ha ancora bisogno di rifiniture per essere al pari delle altre produzioni di 2K.La modalità MyCarrer non è ancora all'altezza di quella presente nella serie di NBA2K, tuttavia ha buone potenzialità che, siamo sicuri, il team di svilu...
PowerbombCrisp visualsExcellent likenessesNew stamina and healthContext-sensitive movesPowerbombedBoring career modeRobotic animationJarring transitionsLack of contentYou own this Total You want this Total You had this Total WWE K PlayStation ReviewWhere...
Published: 2014-12-02, Author: Jay , review by: rageworks.net
Abstract: So, before I kick off my review I must say wrestling fans are the most pickiest and cynical of all genre of fans. Fans of others such as video games, comic books, sports, and other topics have their quirks but wrestling fans take it to another level of un...
Abstract: Well, here we are. Another year, another WWE game. Another awkward cooling off period as the runaway hype train of YouTube videos, updates, Q&A sessions, tweets, blogs, interviews, panels with Steve Austin wearing spectacles and random mid carders telling...
cooler Soundtrack, enormer Roster, tolle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten
unheimlich veraltete Grafik, kaum Emotionen, übertrieben schwere Konter, schwerfälliges Gameplay, Charaktere wirken wie Wachsfiguren, ohne jeglichen Details, selten das Gefühl im Ring zu stehen, atmosphärisch schwach
Natürlich macht es Bock John Cena in die Halle einmarschieren zu sehen und natürlich haben wir jedes Mal aufs Neue Freude daran unseren Gegnern Finisher-Moves ins Gesicht zu drücken. Spielerisch sowie grafisch finden wir in 2K Sports WWE 2K15 aber wenig N...
Gameplay zu großen Teilen auf QuicktimeEvents reduziert, Technisch noch nicht ganz auf der Xbox One angekommen, MyCareer ist eine vergleichsweise langweilige Story