Lightweight, comfortable design, Faster connection on iOS devices, Hands-free Siri integration, Good audio quality
Limited controls, No equalizer, Lacks ambient listening mode
Faster, smarter, longer-lasting, the AirPods 2 are still at the top of the heap for iPhone owners. Apple has given people what they want with wireless charging and a hands-free approach to Siri. And the fact that the buds offer longer talk time and faster...
Indiscutibilmente più veloci in alcuni compiti, Possibile acquistare custodia con ricarica wireless, Prezzo in linea con il mercato e la qualità del prodotto, Maggior durata della batteria in chiamata, Restano i migliori auricolari full wireless del merca
Design immutato, Fattore ergonomico non adatto a tutti, Prezzo della custodia wireless eccessivo, In assenza di AirPods la ricarica wireless è poco utile
Abstract: 2016年9月的苹果新品发布会,伴随着iPhone7/7P的发布,iPhone系列正式开启“无”耳机孔之路。与此同时,苹果给出了无线耳机的官方解决方案—第一代AirPods。而自发布以来,AirPods一直以来是我们行业里不得不多说两句的存在,自带热点属性,争议颇多;时不时还要被友商的TWS新品“吊打”。即便这样,一代AirPods所拥有的良好(改成优秀也不为过)体验,依然让其成为了口碑最好的苹果产品。如今,大家期盼的AirPods2出现在了大家眼前,并支持现货购买No Play Monkey,发售价...
Published: 2019-03-27, Author: Jeremy , review by:
Abstract: No one was ready for the original version of AirPods. Apple announced the stubby wireless earphones in September 2016, then missed their promised October release date, and only began to trickle the first shipments out in December. Early users were at best...