Abstract: The popularity of the Apple Airpods is undeniable. But with the release of the Audio Technica true wireless options, I was curious. How do they compare? Let's take a closer look with this Audio Technica ATH-SPORT7TW vs Apple Airpods comparison review. The...
Abstract: Last week, I compared Apple AirPods to the new RHA TrueConnet true wireless earphones. Today, I'm stacking Apple's wireless earphone up against the Sennheiser True Wireless earphones. Selling for $159 and $299 respectively, these earphones sit in differ...
Abstract: It's Christmas Eve at the MajorHiFi Review Offices here in Manahattan. And with most of our review staff soused on Gilbert's eggnog or playing “Pin the Cable on the Hifiman,” there are few reviews on the roster. Yet, I find myself at my review desk any...
Abstract: smartPC사랑=남지율 기자] 9호선의 콩나물시루 같은 출근길. 무료함을 달래기 위해 스마트폰을 꺼내는 것조차 버겁다. 출근을 위해 지하철에 탑승한 다른 사람들을 보는 것 외에는 할 수 있는 일이 없다. 비록 원해서 다른 사람을 관찰하는 게 아닐지라도 출근길의 직장인 관찰은 무엇이 유행하는지를 알 수 있게 한다.2018년의 가장 큰 변화라고 한다면 역시 코드리스 이어폰이다. 기자는 에어팟이 출시되자마자 구매했는데 그때와는 달리 수많은 사람들이 코...
Abstract: In-ear headphones (or earbuds) are great for portable listening — most can literally fit in your pocket — but you want a pair that offers up quality sound, too. The experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute logged more than 20 straight days worth of music to test for sound quality, battery life, and comfort. Here are the ones they recommend for your daily commute, workout, and more.
Abstract: 在等候新一代 AirPods 推出前,知名客製化電子產品外觀的公司 ColorWare 再度將腦筋動到 AirPods 上了。為了向經典的 Apple Macintosh 致敬,近期推出一款 出代 Mac 版 AirPods ,要吸引一些重度的果粉們掏腰包購買。ColorWare 是間專門為電子產品客製化外觀的網站,旗下客製化產品包括目前市售較熱門的產品如 Nintendo Switch 、 PlayStation 4 Pro 、 Apple AirPods 、 Bose QuietComfort...
olarak Airpods kesinlikle müzik kulaklığı değil. Ama gün içinde çok yoğun bir şekilde telefon görüşmesi yapıyorsanız tam sizlik.Gelelim başta sorduğum CX500 kulaklığımı kullanmaya devam mı edeceğim yoksa Airpods'a mı geçeceğim. Cevabım kesinlikle Airpods...
Published: 2017-12-12, Author: Rae , review by: gizmodo.com.au
Abstract: If you'd told me in 2007 that people would be walking around listening to music with wireless, popcorn-sized earbuds, I would have called you crazy. It is now 2017, and these futuristic little gadgets are a reality. But which ones are the best?Pretty much...