Abstract: We’re all guilty of succumbing to misjudgments based on first impressions, in fact it’s a natural instinct. Indie developer Jonathan Blow’s Braid is a game that’s initial allure lies in its calming water colour imagery and serene soundtrack, lulling yo...
Abstract: Braid first appeared on Microsofts online store for the Xbox 360 last year, before making its way to PCs. You wont find a physical CD version on the shelves of your local high street shops, but many of the big-name game download sites are currently s...
Abstract: I was told not to submit this review unless I had something different to say. Braid has already received tons of awards and critical acclaim, after all. But I do have something different to say: Braid is an amazing example of how game design can go in ...
Gerne taucht man in die Fantasywelt von Braid ein, denn der Titel strotzt nur so von Innovation. Dann noch das Spiel mit einer schönen bunten Grafik versiehen, eine verträumte Musik und schon kommt ein mehr als schönes Casual Game heraus. Ein Geheimt...
Take a pleasantly frustrating vacation inside living paintings unstuck in time. "Are Video Games Art?" The ever-lasting hot topic for the gaming press. With the definition of art being as slippery as it is even before applying to an infant and mostly ...
Abstract: Braid är ett plattformsspel i 2D som med sin fina grafik, vackra musik och nyskapande spelfunktioner är så bra att det för plattformsgenren in i framtiden.
Abstract: Braid fits in the latter category. It is, simply put, a game that needs to be experienced. If you had to define it, you’d use the words “puzzle platformer” – you run, jump and solve puzzles to reach a goal, only to solve more puzzles. But it’s more...
Abstract: Because the game mechanics are so thoughtfully integrated into the story, Braid’s meaning can only be understood by playing it. And while it might be visually unassuming, Braid offers players an experience (and a message about life) that few games have...
Abstract: Like last years equally astonishing Portal, Braid demonstrates that innovation is still alive and well in the games industry - its just more likely to come from the fringes than the (risk-averse) mainstream. Braids creator is renegade independent d...