Abstract: 순간포착의 달인 캐논 EOS 7D markⅡ플래그십(Flag ship )은 해군 함대에서 사령관이 타고 있는 배를 말한다. 제품을 만드는 회사는 라인업에서 가장 뛰어난 모델에 이 명칭을 붙이곤 한다. 캐논이 E OS 7D m arkⅡ를 출시하면서 A P S -C 사이즈 플래그십 모델이라고 발표했다. 캐논 APS-C 사이즈 최고급 모델은 과연 어떠한 성능을 가지고 있을까?제품사양 <가격 : 209만9000원>유효 화소수 약 2020만 화소이미지프로세서 D...
Bilder i JPG har förfinats rejält från föregångaren, framförallt på höga ISO-värden. Färgbruset är också minimalt, och vi ser många likheter med de bilder som vi ser hos Canon EOS 70D.Filmkvaliteten är också bra, helt i klass med andra kameror i klassen, ...
Published: 2014-12-13, Author: Aman , review by: nothingwired.com
Abstract: Updated as on December 2014. Don't forget to bookmark this page, as we will be updating it regularly.Digital cameras have taken over the world. The world of photography has changed completely as a result. Now, almost everyone can afford a camera, accordin...
Abstract: Unsere Kamera-Tests bieten zwar Orientierung bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kamera. Doch am Ende entscheidet der User selbst, welches Modell es für ihn sein soll. Welche Digicams derzeit besonders hoch im Kurs unserer Leser stehen, zeigt der CHIP Preisverg...
Abstract: Canon vs Nikon: which DSLR system is best? A question that has frustrated many of the world's greatest philosophers and may even have troubled the UN… Our in-depth comparison examines each system's cameras, lenses, key features and much more.Who makes the...
Abstract: Die beste DSLR bis 500 Euro ist schnell gefunden. Wir zeigen Ihnen, welche günstige Spiegelreflexkamera im Test und Vergleich am besten abschneidet...
Abstract: Many DSLRs can perform not only the capture of large, high quality still images in the ultimate RAW format but some models can now also record Full High Definition video with 1920×1080 resolution.For me, the asking price of the Canon EOS 7D and an appropr...
Kedua produk DSLR Nikon dan Canon memang tidak ada habisnya untuk diadu, siapa yang terbaik, terlengkap, terkuat atau tercepat. Kali ini kita akan mengadu antara kekuatan Nikon D300s vs Canon 7D, kedua DSLR yang masuk dalam jajaran kategori DSLR Semi-Pro ...