Like any other game it has its faults and certain presentation features, like voice acting, are going to be held under more scrutiny due to the nature of the genre in contrast with traditional games, but if you own a PS3 this is a must play and it’s gr...
Ich bin hin- und hergerissen. Einerseits habe ich mich gefreut wie ein Schneekönig endlich neue Inhalte zu "Heavy Rain" spielen zu können, andererseits wirkt dieser separate Spielschnipsel wie eine kurze Demo des Spiels und ist vorbei, bevor man wieder...
Gripping storyline, Immersive gameplay, Enthralling music, Superb character animations, Great visuals, Tremendously atmospheric
A few slowdowns, The camera & movement can sometimes make a buggy combination giving players acute attacks of walkintowallitis
The biggest effect this game will have on the gamer would have to be the level of attachment to the character that it generates. This is brought about by involving the player in every single aspect of the character’s day, every choice, every motio...
Abstract: The crux of Heavy Rain is without a doubt its story, it’s what the whole gameplay experience is based on and why people are talking about this title in the first place. The player will be taking control of four different characters, each with their ow...
Heavy Rain is a very good game in its own right as it is easily accessible to gamers from all walks of life, boasts an interesting story as well as some amazing visuals. At the same time, one can’t forget that the game is, as its basest essence, the sa...
Abstract: Quantic Dream has been in the game development business for over a decade and is a game developer with an uncanny fixation for serial killers. All three games that the studio has produced so far have been about investigations into serial killings, a...
Abstract: This emotional interactive thriller, a PlayStation 3 exclusive, becomes the ultimate mature choose-your-own-adventure. Fast reaction times and a large screen are prerequisites as players dive into an immersive game world without the safety net of tradi...
Abstract: Heavy Rain is a difficult nut to crack. On many levels, the latest Sony exclusive for the Playstation 3, is a breath of fresh air that updates an old game style for today's modern gamers but its not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, reg...