Abstract: Heavy Rain made me really lament the passing of the adventure genre. Admittedly, it's a nostalgic attachment as my earliest gaming memories are steeped in the genre and what made adventure games so memorable -- the characters, the puzzles, ...
Abstract: I received a post card about two weeks ago. On one side it had an origami figure of a Spanish Pajarita. On the other it posed the question of how far I was willing to go to save someone I love. It seems like a silly question at first. You blow it off i...
Abstract: Heavy Rain is the probably the most mature "M for Mature" rated console title I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It's one of the few games that has not simply earned its rating just because it may feature copious amounts of gore, guns, blood and/or...
Abstract: Heavy Rain has been in development for what seems like forever. Showing its first signs at E3 in 2006, developer Quantic Dream has been working non-stop to ready the game for the masses, and finally after four years, it has been released. Heavy Rain ta...
Abstract: Heavy Rain är spelet som bryter mot gamla konventioner om hur spel ska göras, och som helt saknar ordet game over. Låt skyfallet börja.Heavy Rain börjar i Ethan Mars gemytliga vardag. Solen lyser och Ethan vaknar upp i sin säng. Genom att hålla in R2 ...
Heavy Rain objektiv zu beurteilen fällt schwer. Es fällt vom „Gameplay“ völlig aus dem Rahmen, kommt sehr erwachsen daher, und verlangt neben schnellen Reaktionen vor allem moralische Entscheidungen. Die Atmosphäre ist herausragend und packend, sicher ...
Powerful and emotionally engaging narrative, Story continually adapts to your actions, Unique controls convey drama and tension, Highly detailed characters and environments, Stirring soundtrack
Plot holes and heavy-handed villains, Technical issues break immersion, Poor movement controls
This deeply moving adventure adapts to your every action and is not to be missed....
Sensationelle Optik, Atmosphärischer Soundtrack, Gute Synchronisation, Entscheidungsfreiheit, Identifikation mit den Figuren, Spannende Story, Hohe Intensität, Abwechslungsreiche Locations, Emotionen, wie bei einem Film, Jede Menge Extras, Kurze Ladezeiten, Butterweiche Animationen
Mimik der Charakter, Teils hakelige Steuerung, Seltenes Nachladen der Texturen