The fact that its numerous endings are reached with little to nothing in the way of narrative B-roads is by the by. Heavy Rain is a first-class ticket to Baghdad; though constrained to a singular route to your ultimate destination, you’ll sit back...
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Published: 2010-01-01, Author: Anthony , review by:
Fantastic use of quick-time events; wonderful narrative; your choices matter; immense replay value.
Clunky movement controls; the characters' beautiful faces are firmly entrenched in uncanny valley territory.
Abstract: En seriemorder, en privatdetektiv,en hotshot FBI-mand og en familiefar i sit livs krise er hovedingredienserne i et ganske modigt spilprojekt. Heavy Rain er anderledes, meget anderledes end noget vi har set hidtil. Det er smukt, forførende og sp...
Ein absolut packender und spannender Thriller, der an eine direkte Umsetzung eines Bestseller-Romans erinnert und ein erwachseneres Publikum anspricht. Gameconnoisseure aufgepasst, hier kommt ein Leckerbissen!...
Abstract: Heavy Rain is a unique piece of electronic entertainment, because it is not really a "game" in the traditional sense of the word. The best description would be "interactive movie". It has a fairly linear progression but how successful you are at "playi...
Abstract: Monien mielestä pelit ovat vain aivotonta testosteronimättöä aikuisen ruumiissa asustaville lapsukaisille. Vastaväitteenä moisille harhaluuloille esitän Heavy Rainin, ranskalaisen seikkailupelin, joka käsittelee arkisia ihmisiä mahdottomien tilanteiden...