Um ehrlich zu sein, ich war anfangs ratlos was ich schreiben solle. Das Gefühl, welches „Heavy Rain“ dem Spieler vermittelt, ist neu, frisch und genial. Das Spiel fesselt, es packt und es lässt den Spieler bis zur letzen Sekunde nicht los. Das E...
Fantastic graphics and attention to detail, Immersive and heart-breaking plot full of twists, Graphics and sound all compliment the acting capabilities of the cast
Walking controls can be frustrating to work around, Impressive length can lead to issues with replayability
Abstract: David Cage is a man of deliberation. Where most developers don’t bother much with characterization or dialogue interaction, he revels in it. Rather than pointing a gun at someone to solve all problems, he prefers to create characters that use their ...
Abstract: Interaktives Meisterwerk oder spielerische Nullnummer? Heavy Rain vom Fahrenheit-Schöpfer Quantic Dream spaltet die Spielerschaft. Unser Test klärt auf. Die französischen Entwickler von Quantic Dream haben den Ruf, innovative Konzepte und tolle Gesch...
Abstract: Het leven bestaat uit het maken van keuzes. Keuzes die je leven beïnvloeden in meerdere of mindere mate. De keuzes die je gedurende je leven maakt zijn tekenend voor het type persoon dat je bent of wilt zijn. Ze vormen het pad welke als een rode draad ...
Abstract: Alexander har dykt ner i Quantic Dreams senaste narrativa experiment Heavy Rain, ett spel där det mesta går i gråtoner och inget är självklart – förutom det faktum att denna mörka historia påverkat och berört honom på ett sällan skådat vis....
Heavy Rain isn’t a game that will appeal to everyone. There is no action on-tap, instead you get a suspense filled story that’s well told. It’s a very mature game in the themes that it explores and the depth of emotions that you experience. If you are ...
Abstract: Heavy Rain is somewhat reminiscent of old school, follow-the-blinking-icon-prompt adventures like Dragon's Lair, where snippets of what is otherwise a movie are chained by events that require a quick input from you, the viewer/player.These days, such q...
Abstract: I went into Heavy Rain fairly open-minded because I’m always looking for something new. I knew that it wasn’t exactly a game but more of a film that the player guided. Apparently, the decisions you make and things you do will affect the way the story g...