Fantastic story, and a successful achievement as an interactive movie. Graphics are very impressive in certain scenes. Emotionally engaging. Some of the tenses moments I have experienced in a game. Replay value if you want to see all the different outcome...
Some very bad voice acting. Realistic graphics can make some characters look strange. Sound, camera and graphical bugs. The story has a few major plot-holes. The early levels are a bit too slow, which may stop some players from getting into the game.
umwerfende Grafik, düsteres Szenario, ein interaktiver Film, vier unterschiedliche Charaktäre, zahlreiche kleine Details, spannende Geschichte, viele Zwischensequenzen,
kein wirklichles Spiel
Heavy Rain versteht sich als reiner interaktiver Film, jedoch wo man das Geschehen aktiv verändern. Echt cool und so spielt es sich auch, denn ihr entscheidet ob der Hauptakteur beispielsweise stirbt oder nicht. Es können auch alle vier sterben, jedo...
Abstract: Heavy Rain is not the easiest video game sell. It's a dreary adventure gameplay about depressed people, origami and a serial killer. And there's rain ... lots and lots of rain. This is not the uplifting game of the year. You will not be inspired by...
Abstract: Im Vorfeld schon als Thriller-Adventure der Extraklasse gehandelt, muss sich Heavy Rain endlich dem knallharten Test stellen. Wie gut ist die Mörderhatz wirklich? ...
"Heavy Rain" zeigt klar das Potenzial auf, das Erlebnis von Feierabend-Unterhaltung zu revolutionieren, stößt jedoch allzu oft an die Grenzen des derzeit machbaren. Der Aufwand, diesen spielbaren Film zu produzieren, muß gewaltig gewesen sein, das Erge...
Abstract: Heavy Rain isn’t your standard video game. Quantic Dream’s film-noir style mystery is an interactive, story-driven thriller, with a slow-paced narrative that unravels itself like a tightly wound ball of string. The story focuses on the hunt for a seria...
Emotional experience that pulls you in, Choices have weight and consequences, Trivial details may come back to haunt you, Characters can actually die, and the story continues on, 10-hour play time, but you'll want to play through more than once to make di
Voice acting can be weak, and heavily accented, Game can be short if you only play once, It may sound weird or aloof, but much of the emotional punch may be missing if you don't have children, A few subplots seem to peter out to nothing. at least in my
Heavy Rain er et interaktivt drama som hvis det skulle kategoriseres ville stå nærmere film end spil. Historien står for stort set hele indholdet i spillet, og den er også særdeles velskrevet. Den byder på alt lige fra hyggel...